despite their wide spread use; open source licenses have very little, if any, legal precedence. well here's one more for the books. its an interntional case, but a firm win non-the-less. i hope to see many more of these. we especially need some in this country.
i know, first hand, how many companies just ignore the requirements of open source licences. often because they feel there is no 'power' behind enforcing our licences. so anything that helps them realize that they can't just make things better for themselves without contributing back the code.
this is an excellent case for all of us writing floss software.
Skype found guilty of GPL violations
Skype violated the licence by its failure to supply a copy of the source code to users along with the phone, and by failing
to provide a copy of the GPL itself with the phone, the court said.
The decision reinforces that companies must adhere to the conditions of the GPL just as with any other contract, and that
"inaccuracies" aren't to be allowed, according to the court.
The decision shows that companies may be held liable for GPL violations in any country, even if the GPL
isn't upheld in their home country. The case was brought by, a German organization run by open source software developer Harald Welte, which
aims to force companies to take the GPL seriously. Welte has said he aims to settle most cases out of court, taking companies
to court only if discussions fail to make them abide by the conditions of the licence.