
join `Tubes` and stop waiting for an invite to pownce!

*i'm not affiliated with tubes in any way*

actually being a linux chick i can't even use tubes. though i keep hoping to see a linux client.

but more to my point tubes was designed long before pownce. and i wouldn't be surprised if pownce was prolly ripped off from tubes. at the very least pownce was inspired by tubes, or its a creepy coincidence which is just to hard to believe. but tubes is much more developed from what i have used(thank you qemu &bochs). neither are invites needed and you get to use something a much more mature product.

one last note is that i find it so sad how everyone seems to get upset with Jason Calacanis cause he 'ripped off digg', like whatever. and no gets upset about kevin rose doing all kinds of things just as icky, if not worse. like digg, come on its slashdot except their news generally sucks more. pownce is a clear copy of tubes.

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